Intermittent Catheters  

Catheter, Speedicath, Female, Hydrophilic Intermittent - 14Fr, 8"

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Catheter, Speedicath, Female, Hydrophilic Intermittent - 14Fr, 8"

SpeediCath® catheters are safe, hygienic catheters that offer ease of use, greater comfort and minimal risk of urethral  damage for all catheter users.

The SpeediCath® catheters have been in the market for more than 10 years.

Instantly ready to use without the need to add water or wait for the coating to become activated, easy to open and simple to handle, SpeediCath® represents a more convenient way to catheterize.

The uniform hydrophilic surface coating ensures safe catheterization time after time.

A number of studies have demonstrated that SpeediCath’s ease-of-use plus the fact that it doesn’t need any preparation make it the preferred choice among catheter users (cf 1).

SpeediCath® is available in a variety of lengths and sizes to suit both women, men and children.

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